Stories improve reading ability, confidence, comprehension ability. Various researches have been done in the education domain to understand the role of stories in improving learning outcomes of children. Whereas the bigger question for us to understand is that how stories and storytelling can help in improving engagement in children, specially in children who are first generation learners in their community/ family.
In a recent survey conducted among more than 50 students we understood there is a very little knowledge available in the community about stories and their integration with education. Stories have a space and recognition in the community through which cultural and traditional stories have been passed orally onto future generations. It underlines that stories are a source of exchanging knowledge and engaging people.

The literacy level in the community is low and most children engaged in the initiative are first generation learners. So, in such a scenario where it is hard for the children to find an environment which motivates them to study as well as lack of role models for them, stories become a tool of engaging them. Stories with a local context impact more. It becomes easier for the child to imagine the story and add flavours of its own to it. To make learning fun and engaging for the children, we have identified youth edu-leaders who conduct storytelling in their mother tongue, Gojru/Gojri/Gujjari.
We are making our full efforts to contribute to the lives of children and in this journey you can also play a part by spreading a word about us and contributing in it.
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